Likes: TGCF, ORV, Genshin Impact, Honkai Starrail, Drawing, Writing, Xiaoven, Beingguang, Xingyun, BronSeele, Ver Vermillion, Ike Eveland, Enna Alouette

Dislikes: Laggy Wifi, Artblock, Writerblock, Readingblock, People in DNI, Animals with more than 4 legs, My Arachnophobia

DNI: Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, No manners, Disrespectful towards other religion, race, sexualities, Pedophiles, Minor x Adult Shippers, Incest shippers, if you have no basic decency in general.

BYF: My tweets will both be in Tag and Eng, will suddenly disappear and go ia at random times. I can either be quiet or literally never shut up.

Favs: Hamilton the musical, Evil Chronicles, TBHK, TGCF, ORV, drawing, Fluffy animals, stuffed toys ahaha, cavetown, taylor swift.